Around Town

This is a typical street in the northern part of Liepaja, along my route when I go to my office/classroom building. This large apartment building was constructed in 1913.

Here's yet another beautiful example of building refurbishment. Notice the avant garde color scheme!
These lovely facade trims have endured.

This is an ice hockey facility, where the official Liepaja city team practices. 
This monument honors those who died during WW II
For hundreds of years a canal has connected the Baltic Sea with an inland lake that borders the east side of Liepaja, all the way from north to south. Two prominent hotels are located here, as well as a Latvian Navy ship I toured as part of a university-sponsored excursion in September.

Pictured here is Libava, a beautiful if small hotel and spa. The building demonstrates typical Latvian architecture of the period.

Here we see an example of post-WW II Soviet era buildings, next to a much older, abandoned building.

I'm told this beer manufacturer may go out of business! Latvian beer is 4.7% (or more) and is sold in 500 mL containers. It goes down very easily.

The world loves basketball! In this new, clean, well-tended neighborhood on the edge of Vecliepaja (Old Liepaja), contemporary houses are clustered.

The detail lavished on woodworking is remarkable!